
About Us

Oju Mission School is a non-commercial school, run by Oju Welfare Association, Naharlagun. Oju Welfare Association (OWA) has been running the schemes of Residential Primary School and Residential Secondary School at Naharlagun. The Residential Secondary School was initially upto Class VIII, which resulted in school drop-outs since the students belong to poor and needy families and could not afford the soaring fee structure of other commercial schools for higher education.

Considering the increase in drop-out rate, the OWA has been continuing upto the secondary level (Class X) under the banner of Oju Mission School, from its own resources. The school also has affiliation from CBSE, New Delhi upto secondary level and upgradation upto senior secondary is applied for. Gradually the drop-out rate of students is greatly reduced.

Apart from active participation in social work, parade, dance, drama, music, drawing & painting, recitation, sports, etc., physical education is an integrated part of education to keep the fitness of body and mind.